Recently Mozilla restricted access to, instead you can download nightlies from Sadly this broke existing methods to download Firefox nightly for automated unit tests on Travis CI. I’ve written a node module, that takes care of downloading nightly versions of Firefox desktop and Android.
.travis.yml for Desktop
sudo: false language: node_js node_js: stable env: global: - DISPLAY=:99.0 - JPM_FIREFOX_BINARY=$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/../firefox/firefox before_install: - sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start - npm i -g get-firefox - get-firefox -ecb unbranded-release -t ../ before_script: - npm install -g jpm script: - jpm test
Update: I changed the export commands to setting the variables with the .travis.yml env property, because it feels cleaner.
Update 2: Switched to the Firefox from travis.
Update 3: With unsigned builds being a thing and travis not supporting them yet, I’ve switched back to using get-firefox for desktop tests too.
.travis.yml for Android
Since jpm-mobile is currently broken, this clones a fixed version and installs it. Further, timing for the Android Emulator is somewhat important, so you might have to fiddle with the order and content of the before sections.
sudo: false language: android android: components: - platform-tools - tools - android-19 - sys-img-armeabi-v7a-android-19 env: global: - DISPLAY=99.0 - JPM_FIREFOX_BINARY=fennec - JPM_ADB_PATH=/usr/local/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb - TMP_DIR=/tmp before_install: - sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start - mkdir -p $TMP_DIR/sdcard - mksdcard -l jetpackSdCard 1024M $TMP_DIR/sdcard/jpmsdcard.img - rm -f $TMP_DIR/sdcard/jpmsdcard.img.lock - echo no | android create avd --force -n jpm -t android-19 --abi armeabi-v7a - emulator -avd jpm -sdcard $TMP_DIR/sdcard/jpmsdcard.img -no-audio -gpu off -no-boot-anim -noskin & - android-wait-for-emulator before_script: - npm install -g get-firefox - git clone --depth 1 -b fixes $TMP_DIR/jpm-mobile - cd $TMP_DIR/jpm-mobile - npm link - cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR - get-firefox -c -p android -t $TMP_DIR/fennec.apk - adb wait-for-device - adb emu input keyevent 82 & - adb install $TMP_DIR/fennec.apk script: - jpm-mobile test -v --adb $JPM_ADB_PATH -b $JPM_FIREFOX_BINARY